Computer repair: Is your computer running slow? Have seen strange pop-ups while browsing the web, or on the bottom right of your computer screen? It might be time for you to bring in your computer and have it looked at. Well, you might think that your computer running slow or programs being installed that you are not 100% certain what they are, is part of owning a computer.
It can be…
But it also could be evidence of a bigger problem. From viruses that can compromise your online account information. like your credit card account or bank. To a piece of hardware in your computer starting to go.
If you are ever concerned about what your computer is doing you should try and get it to an I.T. professional ASAP. This can stop the problem from becoming more serious and expensive. A dying hard drive is a lot cheaper to get information from the dead hard drive. For example. The most common reason people bring their computers in. Is because it is running slow or they see a strange program or popup. But there are a lot of other reasons to bring your computer to an I.T professional as well.
Old Age
Computers age. A lot quicker than you might think. With how fast technology is moving a computer could be considered old at as little as three years. If your computer is starting to run slow and is three years or older. It would be a good idea to drop it off at a computer repair shop. And have them take a look at it. They can tell you if it would be best to look at a new computer. or upgrade the existing one. which is usually the more cost-effective choice. Even just reload windows.
The Computer has Been Dropped
With the winter weather in Bozeman, Montana computers get dropped more often than you might think. Usually, one of two things happen. The most common being the screen breaks. the second most common is the computer will not boot. in both these cases, you should take your computer to a local computer repair shop. This will not only help you determine your next course of action but can also save you money. by repairing the computer. Or even in some cases recovering valuable information from a damaged hard drive. like pictures that you can t really re-take.
In Montana, we love our coffee. Our computers really don’t. But spills do happen. So what should you do? The first thing you should do is not panic and try to turn the computer on. If you do, sending the electrically through the system could cause more damage than was already done. What also matters is what you actually spill on the computer. Surprisingly water is not the worst thing you have spilled on your computer. and your computer may actually after a day or two of nonuse, work just fine. The worst is any sugary drinks or anything with syrup. If for example, you spill a red bull on your computer. Get it to a computer repair shop ASAP. But be prepared to buy a new computer because the board is most likely dead. Thankfully in most cases, the data is recoverable.
In the past few years, infected emails have made a comeback presumably because everyone forgot about them and the popularization of cryptocurrencies. If you open an infected email it is important to get it to a Computer Shop as soon as possible. And if you are in a business setting notify your supervisor. in a lot of cases what happens is your computer is held for ransom for some bitcoin amount ranging from 200-10000 dollars. If you pay the ransom most of the time you get your computer back and all the information is there. but about 30 percent of the time they take your money and go. It is not worth the risk in most cases to pay the ransom.
If your computer suddenly starts to make loud noises. It is probably time to bring it in. Luckily most of the time this is not a very serious issue but can escalate to one if avoided. 9 times out of 10 loud noises from either a desktop computer or a laptop. are caused by a clouded or dying fan. this is a simple and cheap fix that can range anywhere from 20-100 dollars. But if you ignore the problem it can lead to the computer overheating and cause other hardware damage or random shutdowns.
If you have any questions or if your computer has been experiencing any of the problems above give us a call at Computer Medic On Call and we will take care of you 561-450-8710
Computer Medic On Call is committed to bringing you the highest quality computer service available for all of your information and systems needs. Serving in Broward and West Palm Beach in Florida State for IT Support. Our experience provides us with the skills to offer a range of high quality computer services.
621 N.W. 53rd Street
Suite 125
Boca Raton, FL 33487
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